Shwmae! (hello in Welsh for all you non-welshies out there). 

Welcome to a blog post that has been an extremely long time coming! Everybody who knows me, knows how much I LOVE music! It’s like Spotify was sent to me from the gods because I could spend hours upon hours on there trawling through every band and artist finding something that fits my style.

In saying that, I have had such an eclectic taste in music for many years, mainly thanks to my dad. You could say he inundated me with a variety of music recommendations from an early age. Whether it was the loud shouty voice of Roger Daltrey of The Who, or the pitch-perfect harmonies of the Beach Boys, all genres were covered. 

As you’ll see from this playlist of all the albums I’m loving at the moment, it’s a blended mixed-up jumble of genres, old and new. I’ve linked them all so you can go straight to Spotify and whack them on! From now on, I’m going to start writing more and more about the music I love, and the music that inspires me on my travels. I’ve recently downloaded the Spotify feature plug in so, watch this space, you’ll soon be reading my blogs accompanied by a killer soundtrack. 

Tame Impala: The Slow Rush : Possibly a top contender for my album of the year (and it’s only April!). I love Tame Impala’s smooth psych sound and riffs. Kevin Parker once again nails it on the album front and I’m LOVING every song. 

Låpsley: Through Water  :I’ve only recently started listening to Lapsley, even though she’s been churning out a few bangers for quite a few years now. I recently got recommended the catchy pop bop “Operator (He Doesn’t Call)” and I’ve been hooked on her ever since! Her newest release pairs catchy pop beats with silk-like pianos and vocals. 

David Bowie: Alladin Sane:  A bloody classic album! One of the finest 45 minutes I’ve ever spent is just listening to this song-for-song, and right now it’s fueling me with my classic fix during coronvirus lockdown. This album also possesses one of my favourite Bowie songs – The Jean Genie (which reminds me of when I used to work in The White Hart pub, bloody good times!).

Lana Del Rey: Normal Fucking Rockwell:  Lana can do no wrong in my eyes! I’m still getting to grips with this album as I LOVED her album Ultraviolence and I don’t think any can top that to be honest. However, NFR has so many low-key catchy hooks and melodys that it’s impossble to not to sway along to them. I’m still yet to see Lana live, fingers crossed I can see her perform this and her other masterpeices one day! 

Khurangbin: The Universe Smiles Upon You:  I am especially enjoying the psychadelic guitar riffs lately. Khurangbin are the perfect mix of 70’s-style guitar mixed in with a more modern sound. They’re songs “Texas Sun” and “A Calf Born In Winter” chill me out to the bone, but it’s this whole album that has me envisioning myself floating on a cloud of candy floss (specific I know, but their sound is super specific). Although, sometimes overshadowed by other, more recent, offerings from Khurangbin, this album is pretty good if you want to feel the chillest you’ve felt in a while. 

Harry Styles: Fine Line : Told you it was going to be a mix. I’m sorry, but who doesn’t love Harry Styles?! Don’t get me wrong, I was definitely not a One Direction fanatic or anything like that, it’s just I’m really diggin this new, mature version of Harry. Pair that with his SUPERB new fashion sense, and you’ve got a winner for me. 

The Stone Roses: Second Coming : The second installment from The Stone Roses and an absolute classic! In Auckland, Phil and I had a banger of an old car with only a CD player and this album was one of the only CD’s we had. Often overshadowed by the first album, Second Coming has just as many epic tunes, and brings back so many memories of whizzing around Auckland in our little Mazda Demio!

Solange: When I Get Home: Beyonce isn’t the only talented one in the Knowles family! I’m still figuring out whether I really enjoy this album or if I’m trying to love it as much as Solanges “A Seat At The Table” album (which is an AMAZING record, by the way). Nevertheless, it’s on repeat and blasting through my headphones as we speak. 

Bombay Bicycle Club: Everything Else Has Gone Wrong : No other indie band can excite me for summer as much as Bombay Bicycle Club. They just excude merriment, and their newest album is just as boppy and fun as their previous stuff! I know it’s hard to get excited for summer right now with everything to do with Corona Virus, but I assure you if you wap this on really loud it’ll feel like you’re cruising through the countryside with a car full of great friends, on your way to a stunning beach!